Your Blog

Two - Your First Quest

You Need To Make a Blog.


Every student in CommTech needs to make a blog,
just as I have done
and which you are reading right now.

You won't be handing much in to me on paper, but you will be doing 
work, and I still need to see it. The best way to do this is for you to 
make a blog wherein you collect all of your assignments, assessments 
and material and I can check it at any time of night or day.

Why do I cruelly force you to do this?

  • It's not the pioneer times. 
  • You can't lose your work, and neither can I. It is always there.  
In the cloud!
  • The format is easy to read and layout.
  • We are in a Communications and Technology class, so we 
should try communicating with technology.
  • Blogging is free and can be rewarding in a number of ways. 
  • It is multimedia - you can include audio, video and images 
in your blog, making it richer and more compelling for the
reader (that would be me, and compelling = better which = better marks).

    Here are the steps you will need to take in order to successfully 
    complete this, your first quest:

    1. Get to a computer.

    2. Go to and follow the easy directions to "Create a blog". 

    3. Experiment with layout, design, etc and try a few new posts and edit them.
    -  Add a gadget or two.
    -  Embed some video code from a youtube video and see how easy it is 
    to add content to your posts.

    - Change the font, colour, size, or location of the items in your post.

    4. Once you have learned enough about how to make a post and pop it 
    with some multimedia, you are ready to do the first assignment, which 
    is to tell me about yourself. Write about who you are, what you like 
    and don't like, where you live, what you do, etc. Feel free to include 
    any clips or whatever will help you to explain yourself to me. More 
    multimedia = better blog post = better marks.
    (Perhaps you like making skateboarding videos? )

    8. Send an email to including the 
    link to your page.   
    (ie.  the link should look something like )

    9. You will gain 1000 experience points for completing this quest.