Monday, September 6, 2010

Course Description

This course examines communications systems and design and production processes in the areas of electronic, live, recorded and graphic communications. Students create, manage and distribute complex electronic, graphic, recorded or audio-visual projects independently and in project teams. Students also study industry standards and regulations, and health and safety issues, as well as explore careers, the importance of lifelong learning and the impact of communications technology on society and the environment.

And you may want to know what Learning Skills we will be using as well:


In addition to the specific skills that are developed throughout the course, students learn to:

         solve problems through careful analysis, cooperation and communication;
         develop individual and group skills through student-centred activities;
         develop time-management skills to design and follow organizational plans to complete a range of tasks;
         show commitment to a task by maintaining a level of effort required to complete a product;
         develop the ability to self-monitor progress using record-keeping and tracking procedures such as logs, journals and project portfolios. 

And here is one of the key expectations of the course that you will be using again and again:

TF1.02 – apply the following steps of the design process to solve a variety of complex communications technology challenges or problems:

  •      identify what has to be accomplished (the problem);
  •      gather and record information, and establish a plan of procedures;
  •      brainstorm a list of as many solutions as possible;
  •      identify the resources required for each suggested solution, and compare each solution to the design criteria, refining and modifying it as required;
  •      evaluate the solutions (e.g., by testing, modelling, and documenting results) and choose the best one;
  •      produce a drawing, model, or prototype of the best solution;
  •      evaluate the prototype and what is required to produce it;
  •      communicate the solution, using one or more of the following: final drawings, technical reports, electronic presentations, flow charts, storyboards, mock-ups, prototypes, and so on;
  •      obtain feedback on the final solution and repeat the design process if necessary to refine or improve the solution.

And lastly, here are the major units for this course:

  1. Print and Graphics
  2. Sound and Music
  3. Writing to Format
  4. Video

For each of the units, there will be a number of smaller projects, and one major project that will make up the majority of your assessment. 

The key issue your need to understand at the start of this course is how important it is to GET A GOOD GROUP. 

That doesn't mean that you choose your best friends or the people who will do everything so you can sit back and reflect on your life thus far. 

It means that you need to choose a group that will get the work done. Period. The most common problem in CommTech is a lack of motivation to do everything that needs to be done, and then panicking at the end of the semester and complaining that your group is terrible. 


Get your work done in a timely manner, doing as much as you can on your own, and then working it into the group in the most efficient manner. 

My final warning is that this course requires you to be have access to computers, particularly Mac computers. We have some in the next room, but there aren't that many. You need to be ready to come in and use them on your spare, at lunch or after school. I am pretty much always here, so it's all up to you to find the time. 

Thanks and welcome to your new favourite course.

Simple Classroom Rules:

   1. Do Not Text, or Use Your Phone - I will take your phone, probably for ever... or longer.
   2. Please pay attention to me. :)
   3. Please don’t use Mean Words to hurt others. .
   7. We will give due dates by the “week of”.
   8. Think of it like a job. Work is necessary to be in on time.
   9. All work can be resubmitted for remarking at any time. Within reason.
 10. Please please don't drink, eat, (or smoke) in this room or in the Mac lab.
 11. Please leave jackets, coats, and backpacks in your lockers.

A bit about me: 

A bit about you:
i) On a piece of lined paper give thoughtful answers, in complete sentences, to the posted questions.
Once you have completed this, ask Mr. Alexander for the use of a computer.
ii) Create a Gmail account. (Google it if you forget how.)
iii) Write your Gmail down, tatoo it on your arm, or just plain 'ol remember it - we will use it for further correspondence.
ii) Take a picture of yourself with the computer, manipulate it however you wish.
iii) Using your new Gmail account, Email your picture  The subject line should read 'EMS3O Class List'.

Email the answers to your questions